Spanish Dictionaries

Spanish dictionaries – what use are they in the 21st century?

We’ve got Google translate and a plethora of other language-based apps that do the same thing as Spanish dictionaries…. they translate.

Picture of dictionary. Spanish dictionaries Learn Spanish the smart way


…. do they?

…do they actually do the job?

…do YOU trust them?

Ask any linguist and they will say, to a man and woman, that you should beware of Google translate. And the rest of the cohort.

Yes – it is very clever.

It is quick and does the job … if the job is a quick and easy one.

However, not all jobs are like this.


…this is where the Spanish dictionary comes into its own.

If you are a serious student of Spanish, or you know someone who is, a Spanish dictionary is an essential part of the toolkit.

Here are two links to help you see what is available.

There are two separate pages – the cheaper end and the more expensive end.

As with everything, you do get what you pay for.

Spanish dictionaries for over £10.00 (US$13.00)


Spanish dictionaries for under £10.00 (US$13.00)