Spanish numbers

Numbers in Spanish 1 to 1,000,000

Below is a list of numbers in Spanish for one to one million.

uno – one

dos – two

tres – three

cuatro – four

cinco – five

seis – six

siete – seven

eight – ocho

nueve – nine

diez – ten

once – eleven

doce – twelve

trece – thirteen

catorce – fourteen

quince – fifteen

dieciséis – sixteen

diecisiete – seventeen

dieciocho – eighteen

diecinueve – nineteen

veinte – twenty

veintiuno (a) – twenty one

veintidós – twenty two

veintitrés – twenty three

veinticuatro – twenty four

veinticinco – twenty five

veintiseis – twenty six

veintisiete – twenty seven

veintiocho – twenty eight

veintinueve – twenty nine

treinta – thirty

treinta y uno – thirty one

treinta y dos – thirty two

cuarenta – forty

cincuenta – fifty

sesenta – sixty

setenta – seventy

ochenta – eighty

noventa – ninety

cien – one hundred

the numbers 10 to 80 hundred Numbers in Spanish

ciento uno – one hundred and one

doscientos (-as) – two hundred

trescientos (-as) – three hundred

cuatrocientos (-as) – four hundred

quinientos (-as) – five hundred

seiscientos (-as) – six hundred

setecientos (-as) – seven hundred

ochocientos (-as) – eight hundred

novecientos (-as) – nine hundred

mil – one thousand

un millón – a million

The tricky ones for English speakers tend to be the following numbers

sesenta – sixty

the number 60 Numbers in Spanish

setenta – seventy

the number 70 hundred Numbers in Spanish

quinientos – five hundred

the number 500 hundred Numbers in Spanish

setecientos – seven hundred

the number seven hundred Numbers in Spanish

novecientos – nine hundred

the number nine hundred Numbers in Spanish


More on numbers here!

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